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Fund Perfomance
3 Month
Archer Growth Fund
Russell 1000 Growth® Index
An important message from Archer Management CEO, David Abelman –
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3 Month
Archer Growth Fund
Russell 1000 Growth® Index
Archer Capital Management Group was founded on the long-term principles of helping our clients attain their financial goals.
Instead of getting caught up with the latest trends or acting based on the normal, cyclic up-and-down nature of the market, Archer Capital Management Group focuses on those investments that have a proven track record including strong management teams and a solid business model.
This combination provides the best opportunity for maintaining the upward growth needed by our clients.
Our capital investment teams are comprised of independent thinkers who invest thoughtfully within the shared philosophy of Archer Capital Management Group.
Only those businesses that support the best investment ideas we generate and that also display the exceptional characteristics needed to make to offer valuations that are persuasive when evaluated against both the potential upsides and downsides are chosen as investments.
The chart reflects the change in value of a hypothetical $10,000 investment, including reinvested dividends and distributions, in the Fund as measured against broad-based securities market indices.
The Russell 1000® Growth Index measures the performance of the large-cap growth segment of the U.S. equity universe. It includes those Russell 1000® companies with higher price to book ratios and higher forecasted growth values.
Read moreOne of the only High-Watermark Funds available on the market. Archer Fund is purely performance based fund with 0% contingent deferred sales charges.
Investors don't have to pay any fees for poor performance. We strongly believe, that it is fair for the investors and fund managers and the fund's past performance speaks for itself.
During times of market volatility, our fund managers don't overreact. Instead, we understand the market's cyclic nature and invest with our clients' long-term goals and best interests at the forefront of all our actions.
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3 Month
Archer Growth Fund
Russell 1000 Growth® Index
The above-quoted perfomance data represents
past perfomance and does not guarantee
future results
Companies that have the potential to sustain high growth rates over the long term is the focus of Archer Growth Fund. The focus of fund manager Steven Evans is on finding those companies that have both a strong business model and management teams that have proven capabilities.
This combination demonstrates the possibility of maintaining upward growth throughout the market cycle. The process that Steven Evans uses is based on both deep research and a concentration on investments in companies that offer persuasive valuations when the potential upside and downside risks are evaluated.
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